Let me take the pleasure in introducing you to the talented duo, Chris Vegas and Nayibe “ChaCho” Parades a.k.a. Dirty Lazrs. Hailing from Las Vegas, these two have already received recognition from DJ's Nari & Milani and have opened for artists such as 12th Planet, Antiserum, Crizzly and Victor Niglio, just to name a few. EDMSauce is happy to offer you the exclusive release of their new big-room banger, ‘Raccoon', as a FREE download. ‘Raccoon' is the next club smash featuring an energetic sound, heavy kicks, and even a trap drop for all of the bass-heads out there. This song is a great example of the creativity coming from these two, as well as the insane energy they bring to any environment.
Listen, enjoy and download here first:
If you want to check out more of Dirty Lazrs, you can check out their soundcloud.