As DJs continue to bash each other's style and words they say, it came to our attention The Dutch DJ known as Afrojack has something to add to the issue of “Pressing Play.” In Afrojack's recent interview with Billboard, he talks about how never believed in a “press play” philosophy which was made popular by Deadmau5 last year. Here's what he had to say about Deadmau5…
“You're never just pressing play. If you're a guy in a cube with a Mask on, you can press play. Deadmau5 also said himself he's not a DJ – don't talk about stuff you don't know about. I don't know shit about LED walls and giant mouse heads; I can't judge it.”
He went on to say that himself and many other DJs are CDJ users and that being able to mix is something that is essential to being a DJ. Afrojack is making a point about Deadmau5, since Deadmau5 has always been so outspoken in past interviews.
Read the full interview at Billboard