Today starts the launch of Sub Focus' Torus 3D album sampler. Within the next seven days, 13 Torus Discs from the upcoming album will be hidden via Google Maps around the world. If found each one will contain an audio clip from a song on the album. To play this online scavenger hunt, start HERE (use Chrome browser). You will start on the FIND page, and proceed to follow the hints in the CLUES section to uncover where the Torus disk is. These hints will also be displayed on Sub Focus' media outlets.
Once the hunt is over and all previews have been revealed, on September 19, LISTEN mode will be unlocked and fans can hear all the previews in full while viewing an exclusive 3D version of the Torus album cover.
Have fun, and good luck…I'll give you a head start, check the Grand Canyon for the first disc.