Coming in with a ship's horn and some mandolin and flute-sounding effects, this song immediately brings the heavy womps and will fire you while it's at it. Boss is the newest banger outta the Robotic Pirate Monkey camp who hail out of Boulder, Colorado, and I'm so glad it was shot my way! The heavy bass is juxtaposed with a awesome foreign string instrument sounding breakdown around the 1:15 mark that takes you back to the somewhat peaceful intro. As the song proceeds, the chopped up lyrics perfectly compliment the glitchyness of the song overall. The melodic progression and evolution of the tune throughout the track is exactly the kind of journey I love being taken on by good music. The stiff drop in the beginning third of the song is also a counterpoint to the slow buildup in the middle portion of the song, mixing things up and keeping me on my feet. Their entire repertoire of tunes are needless to say, awesome as well and I highly encourage you to go on their Soundcloud and do some treasure hunting as you are bound to strike gold. Check out Boss below and click for a free download, because there is nothing better than free music.