Leave it up to Deadmau5 to respond to Arcade Fire's statement from Coachella “Shout-out to all the bands still playing actual instruments at this festival.” The comment went pretty unnoticed… that was until Deadmau5 heard about it. Here Deadmau5 tweeted that Arcade Fire needs to “settle down.”
Read the full rant below:
shit to remember: A computer is a tool, not an instrument.
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) April 23, 2014
arcade fire needs to settle down. some dudes devote their lives to instruments, others to electronic composition by cpu, dafuqs yer problem?
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) April 23, 2014
i dont expect to see daft punk pull a steve vai on stage…i expect to listen to some decent music, n see cool robots. no problem.
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) April 23, 2014
if i wanna watch real artists perform, id pick the opera before wasting a fucking minute of my life with arcade fire. #do youevenscorebro?
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) April 23, 2014
but since some EDM is enjoyable to me, ill go watch them fake it, and enjoy it more than you hate the fact that they cant play guitar.
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) April 23, 2014
inb4 some fucking hipster throws a hackeysack at me.
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) April 23, 2014