Raise your hands if you’re counting down the days till TomorrowWorld. Go ahead…raise them up high. Whether it be on the subway, bus, bar, office, middle of class (tisk tisk), put them up. Do it now. Ignore those people giving you funny faces because you look ridiculous raising your arm (or arms if you’re truly dedicated) for no reason, because jokes on them! YOU are going to TomorrowWorld. There are only about 37 days left till the we go back to a world of wonder and it will sneak up on you fast.
Following our “5 Reasons You Need to See Lane 8 at TomorrowWorld” these are the 5 Reasons You Need to See Moon Boots at TomorrowWorld. You’re welcome ears in advance.
1. One Small Step From Main Stage, One Giant Leap to New Sound
There will be tons of artists banging out the thump n’ bump of Big Room music. While, it is really fun to get your fist pumping on, TomorrowWorld allows you to broaden your musical horizons. Take advantage of this. Allow yourself to be immersed in the essence of electronic music. Discover new sounds and be surprised at how much you may end up loving it. One of the best ways to do this is by getting your Moon Boots on. You can still get down, but you’ll be getting down to music that has depth and a lot of soul. Besides the other reasons listed below of why Moon Boots is a must see, one of the top reasons is that he mindfully looks for that sweet medium between playing for a small venue and a big EDM festival. During a recent interview, Moon Boots touched on the importance of exposing his audience to new sounds. His music keeps you dancing while rewarding your adventurousness at the same time.
2. His Original Moon Beats
Moon Boots has so many original tracks that exude brilliance. It makes choosing one track as an example of his music productions, ridiculously hard. That’s why I put four of my favorite tracks up for you to listen to. They are smooth, upbeat, sexy, and pretty steamy if you ask me.
3. His Remixes
What I love about Moon Boots is his ability to make it sound like a “Moon Boots remix”. He keeps in mind what the original track is trying to present and adds that missing je ne sais quoi.
4. His Sets
If listening to his original tacks and remixes weren't enough to put you on the Moon Boots wagon, his sets will seal the deal. While you’re on your morning run, getting your day started, or walking to and from place to place, throw on your Headphones and listen to these sets. Moon Boots sets are beautiful, precise yet skillfully fluid. Louring you into a musical bliss that you can’t help but fall in love with. These three sets are our top three picks.
5. This Picture
Seriously, this picture though. Not only is he rocking the sexy Glasses, that can only be reflecting a place in space where there is palm trees. He's repping the flag, he's in a space suit, AND has a French Express badge. Why wouldn't you want to support this guy, just look at him *sigh*.
Also, this one…
I'm sure there are a lot more Moon Boots fans out there right now. We can't wait' to see you there jammin' it out to some great beats at TomorrowWorld 2014!!
Again, to those 21 and over folks out there who haven't grabbed themselves tickets yet, jump on it! Grab you're tickets here. We highly recommend adding on some DeamVille action to your journey to TomorrowWorld. As a vet, I wouldn't do it any other way. You get the full magical experience of TW and bond with fellow People of Tomorrow. So, get your ticket! If you’re a Vet, can't wait to see you again. If you’re a newbie, can't wait to meet you, and get ready. It’s going to be a dreamy ride.