If the Space Jam Theme Song was made in the 80's and not the 90's… and was also played in the movie Scarface, it would sound like this. There are a lot of hypothetical statements here, but have a listen for yourself and decide. Armor Dillo doesn't have any previous posts on his Soundcloud page, but after reposts from guys like Pertubator, we are blessed to know this exists. The tune is called “Slamualizer” and original credit for the vocals go to the Quad City DJ's. Armor Dillo puts a nice 80's Miami EDM spin on the classic and it's sure to at least put a smile on your face.
Follow Armor Dillo on Soundcloud in case he decides to pursue original work and and check out the song below. Jordan's secret stuff (water) and Toon Squad uniform sold separately. If you own the actually CD to the Space Jam soundtrack, you are very special. Listen to this: