Created with the listener in mind, BEATGASM is the first-ever free dance music streaming web player of its kind. BEATGASM features over 100 stations, carefully tailored to each user's unique music needs. Whether you're a trance addict, a techno enthusiast, or a house junkie, BEATGASM's expert team of curators have engineered a station just for you.
With the listeners distinct sound palate as it's guide, the platform allows users to explore everything, from up-and-coming to old school, and tracks from Mainstage hits to underground treasures via it's Mood, Trending, Energy and Genre curated stations. It has several different classifications such as Hits, “Breakout, Variety, Surging, and Discover,” allowing users to easily cross genre boundaries and find both classic and up-and-coming dance music tracks.
BEATGASM also encourages up-and-coming artists and producers to submit their tracks for a chance to be featured on the platform. Each submissions are tagged, categorized, and integrated into various BEATGASM stations. This allows users to easily discover them, and ultimately, discover you. If a track receives a lot of plays, favorites, and/or searches, it could also earn a spot on BEATGASM homepage's “featured section” where it will be seen by all users upon login.\
Check it out HERE and let us know what you think in the comments below!