Thanks to the awesome Lee Underwood over at Firepower Records, I was able to have a chat with Wub Master Getter while he's touring Europe, and exchange a few words via email about his music, warehouse raves, and his favorite place to play! Check out what he had to say and his newest song “The Heat” below!
You really popped onto the scene just a few years ago when you were only 17. How do you feel starting in the industry at such a young age has affected your growth as a musician and also a person?
Tanner: I think it helped my growth a lot. I would always be super stoked on anything that happened, just because it was so new and exciting. It was just the idea that at my age I have come this far and can keep moving forward that has kept me going and helped me grow as a musician.
How do you think your vision for your music has changed since 2010? What can we expect looking forward into the rest of 2015?
Tanner: It has changed so much! For the better! I used to just pigeon hole myself into one style and post so much on my social media outlets, but after experimenting with different music and finding my real original sound, I can definitely say I am happier with my music now than I have ever been. I’m still making stuff I have been making for the past few years, but all the new material that comes with it is so exciting and new!
What or who do you draw inspiration from when you create music? Not just other artists, but athletes, personal roll models, etc?
Tanner: honestly anyone I see that is pushing the boundaries or doing something different inspires me. Anyone that acts weird and can be themselves inspires me. Confidence and being unique is what inspires me the most. Musician wise, I draw a lot of inspiration from flume and flying lotus.
If Getter had to put together the filthiest rave in an abandoned warehouse, who would he bring along to dirty up the place?
Tanner: Oh goshhhh. I would definitely bring my firepower records fam, Trollphace, Infekt, Aweminus, Half Empty, haunta, basically anyone I repost on Soundcloud! haha.
What's the weirdest thing that's ever happened to you right before you've gone on stage?
Tanner: On the first ever Firepower Tour, there was so much weird shit that went down, but before my set? Probably spilling an entire dinner all over me while I was walking on stage. I looked like a mega slob haha.
How is playing Europe, and what's your favorite place you've gotten to travel to?
Tanner: I always love playing Europe. The energy is crazy and the landscapes are beautiful!!!! Hands down favorite place is Australia. And I'm going back in may, I am so excited!!!
If you had to travel by an obscure form of transportation (I.e. a jetpack, or a hovercraft) what mode of transportation would you choose and why?
Tanner: Motorized rollerblades !!! or a jetpack. That shit would be so fun! The real question is why not? If I knew I could use a jetpack I wouldn’t be on my computer!
Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions Getter, be sure you follow Getter as he does nothing but grow in 2015!
You can follow Getter on: Facebook | Soundcloud | Twitter