A master of percussion with one hand in the future of bass music, CloZee always makes a strong impression with her keen skills. Her latest offering comes to us today from Gravitas Music with five new tracks that are essential listening for any fan of experimental electronic music. She's got a few jams that are just filthy and awesome, like “Revolution, combining her authentic “dream-hop” sound with a little tribal influence and awe-inspiring sound design. You can stream “Revolution” below.
Check out the more ambient “Sankar's Lake,” which could easily fit into the movie “Avatar” with a wonderful beat and progressive, feel-good melody. There are some middle eastern influence in the first track (“Anticlimax”) and track 4, “Aspara Calling,” which fill your ears with undeniably cool, ever-evolving CloZee style breaks. The final track has more of a trapstyle approach while still showcasing her prowess with percussion. Grab the full EP here and pay what you want. Listen and enjoy: