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Pierce Fulton Talks Favorite Video Games, Live Instruments, and New Single with EDMSauce at TomorrowWorld

What's up guys! About a week ago I embarked on a journey that made me come back feeling like a woodstock hippy, except with iPhones and lasers. In that time I gathered three spectacular interviews, but had many more scheduled and then canceled that fortunately were answered over email! However, this interview here is with none other than Pierce Fulton, a funny, relaxed, and humble guy who is getting to do what he loves! You can listen to the interview below, or you can read the script typed out underneath! Check back with EDMSauce for more interviews from the event, and a rebuttal to all the bad press it's been receiving lately. Also check out Pierce Fulton's newest single “Landmines” below! Audio Player

1) I wanted to ask, your newest single “Landmines” is a smash hit, what inspired that track?

Pierce: What’s funny is that track was essentially the butt-end of another session! So I had been working with JHart, and we were laying vocals on another track that was like cool, but you know nothing very crazy. We had been working for four hours and began packing our bags when I just started playing the piano riffs in the chorus and he said “That’s kinda nice”. He just started singing some stuff, and I started pitching some ideas and it happened in like ten minutes! We had like thirty minutes left in the session, so the song had literally come about in those thirty minutes!

2) So lately, you've been hitting up the hugest festivals and playing amazing sets by the way, you did Electric Zoo and TomorrowWorld and I wanted to know what was your favorite and why?

Pierce: Ah! It's so hard, because I don't want to discredit any festival because they've all been amazing,

[It's like choosing your favorite kid isn't it?]

It really is! I play every festival differently though, so like at Electric Zoo it was a little more melodic, but down here it was a little more bass-y, because I know southern crowds are a little more down with some nasty sh*t.

3) So can you tell the fans who don't know a little bit more about the shirts and skins project, and how that's been?

Pierce: Yeah so I was living with another producer Ansolo for a year and a half in Brooklyn, and it's as simple as us being bored on a thursday night. We were wanting to DJ, and he knew a promoter for this club on thursdays, and so we played it once and we tried it out, and it just ended up being so much fun that we did it every thursday that we were home! We came up with the name just driving by one of the basketball street courts in Brooklyn, and we were like “Shirts and skins” that would a good name, and we just started going by that!

4) So you’re known for playing the guitar and piano in your songs, how important do you think it is for a producer to use organic sounds in a song, and then how do you feel it’s helped you and your ability with sound design?

Pierce: I don’t think it’s that important; I just liked it because it just gave me a step away from my computer! I never really wrote music on the guitar before, but in the past 6 months I’ve done it a lot more. It’s a fresh approach to writing melodies, and it’s not the craziest thing sonically, it’s something that’s been relevant for 50+ years. It’s funny because not a lot of people take advantage of it and make it that pronounced in electronic music. It’s always like a sound element, where like “Landmines” is 60% guitar work, and that doesn’t make it any more special, but I just like that approach and it’s more fun to me.

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5) If you were your favorite video game character, who would you be and why?

Pierce: Oh f*cking Zelda man, I play Legend of Zelda literally all the time. I still have my green Gameboy, and I bring it on tour and play links awaking all the time. I've played so many Zelda games since but that's like the OG one for me that got me hooked.

6)  Some people play instruments as a hobby, but for you it's a profession, can you  tell us about any of your other hobbies that take up your time?

Pierce: Um I don't really have that many hobbies anymore, which sounds kind of sad, but music was my hobby and now it is my profession. I read quite a bit, and I play some video games and that's like my hobbies I guess!

7) If you were stranded on a desert island, and you could have one tool and one partner, what would the tool be and who would your partner be?

Pierce: Oh it would definitely be my gameboy, and Link's Awakening, and then my brother (Who's his manager) because he runs my life and I don't know what I'd do without him.

Thank you so much Pierce for sitting down after your set! Be sure you check out landmines here and follow Pierce Fulton for more of his amazing sound!

Follow Pierce Fulton on: Facebook | Soundcloud | Twitter

*disclaimer* does not own the rights to the photo of Pierce Fulton used for the cover of this article, and all rights belong to their respective owners. Should an issue occur, please contact me at so we can remove the photo, in favor of another.

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