A few hours ago, Kayzo posted to his personal Facebook a screen-grab of Trapstyle's main Facebook page posting in regards to Carnage “Hope his fat fucking ass is laughing his way to a heart attack.”
Shortly after this post, the internet reacted. Facebook users were quoted saying “They've went off the deep end a while ago…really sad to see this is still happening,” “No one cares. Especially him. But I'm not gonna let you guys wish death on my friend all because your sour. Grow up.”
After realizing his mistake, the founder of Trapstyle made apologies and a message of sincere self disappointment. He wrote:
A message of sincere self disappointment from the founder:
I would like to make a serious apology to Carnage, Kayzo and anyone else who was disturbed by the things that were said on the page earlier. It was extremely dumb of me to use the page for blind rage and personal feelings. I apologize. I understand you cant please everyone. My mistake, my big mess i have to deal with. Who hasn't said something dumb or regretful at least once in their own lives? Behind this page is a team of real ass people who make real ass mistakes but do not let my post reflect on any of them. Judge me not by what I say behind a keyboard but on the adversity I have overcome in my own life. I would never seriously wish death onto anyone. Last year this month, i was on life support and in a coma for a major suicide attempt and death. I survived and changed my life around, what was said earlier wasn't me. It was my demons. I personally lack a filter and its a serious character flaw. Im 23, i am naive and have much to learn about life. I realize i must grow out of this phase and focus on my main goals. Im not in this for any compensation other than the reward I get from making others laugh and smile. I love everyone even if you dislike me.
To anyone ever feeling lost or hopeless in life, or feeling like you want to end it all- hit me up. ill give you a reason to live. I died so you don't have to.
Again, im sorry i let my bassfam and TrapStyle fam down. Diamante, Hayden, man to man- i apologize and i regret my actions entirely. I hope one day i can mature enough to let my anger and rage go and focus on whats important. THE MUSIC.