With his latest uncompromising single “We On Fire” out now, we challenged the incredibly talented bass producer Arcane Echo to let us know his top five musical guilty pleasures.
1) Slipknot – “Duality”
Slipknot are 100% my favourite band. In league with an amazing live performance, their song writing is next level. In high school I was all about the heavy metal, and being a typical emo kid and listening to this song over and over again in class was better than anything I was doing in school.
2) Chad Kroeger – “Hero”
I grew up loving Spiderman, and this song reminds me of the movie every time. Nostalgia! I had to wait until the song came on radio during the Hot30 and press record on my tape deck, just so I could have a copy of it.
3) Korn – “Freak On A Leash”
Korn. Korn though. Like, wow. Their sound is so unique, and the shit they put in to this tune is beyond energetic. I would run around the house screaming the words every time it came on, plus the cartoon video clip is sick AF.
4) Tool – “Schism”
I am a tool. Again, the film clip… it's f**ked – so good. The tune is so technical and was one of the first tunes I learnt to play on guitar. Plus have you seen Tool play it live? It's THAT good.
5) Bring Me The Horizon – “Throne”

I love the electronic influences in a metal band… it's produced so well and the tune itself is amazing loud. Blare it from the car and don't even turn it down when at traffic lights. I'm hoping a reverend will stop next to me, so I can stare him in the eyes and sing to his soul.