There is no denying that trance made one hell of a comeback in 2016. The genre that saw it's legends leave it in the dust for more popular and profitable endeavors is now in a renaissance period. Some excitement can be attributed to events such Insomniac's Dreamstate, but there is no denying that the up and coming artists in the trance genre are absolutely crushing it. Example A – both UCast and Magnus.
The pair have teamed up for a downright euphoric free for all known as ‘Echo'. Coming off hot from Aly & Fila's imprint as the first release of 2017 ‘Echo' will no doubt be a hit among the trance enthusiasts. It warms my heart and gives me goosebumps to hear downright authentic 138 trance to be hitting the scene again like this. The mid section where the beat simplifies before returning to a tension filled build is down right tantalizing. Check this one out below, as the first release off of trance's number label for 2017, the future looks very bright for both UCast and Magnus.