About a month ago, a strange profile popped up on Soundcloud with little to no precedent or announcement. The artist was named Bizzar and following up on the name, there was no other information anywhere on the inter-webs about this name. This producer seemed to magically appear out of the blue. Along with the introduction of Bizzar to the world came his or her first track entitled “Castle”. Without any previous releases or information, I had absolutely no idea what to expect from this new name. On my first listen, I was blown away by one of the most sincerely crafted ambient pieces I have ever heard.
The track was centered around bits of dialogue from the TV series Castle that tell a story of a sad and depressing end to an emotionally connected life. Bizzar incredibly combined the story from the television series with an ambient hip-hop inspired beat that sparks a deep psychologically draining response from the listener in the best way possible. The set up of a deep kick drum, a simplistic hi-hat/snare combination, and the intensely driven piano in the tune come together to create a seriously special musical experience. Flaunting nothing but the words “hello world” in the description for the track, the unknown mastermind behind the piece introduced himself to the electronic community in a jaw dropping, yet simplistic manner.
Today, the producer hasn't released any information about his or her identity. The only thing present on Bizzar's Soundcloud page is a 2nd release entitled “False Pretenses” which continues the wonderfully ambient and very connective sound that the producer perfectly executed in his or her first release. The hashtag #worldwideweirdos is present in the producers overall Soundcloud description along with the strangely welcoming statement “hi, im bizzar. take a look inside my mind.”
Whoever this artist is, it seems that he is dedicated to the deep, ambient, weird, and emotional side of electronic music and is truly painting the picture of a tempered and weathered artistic soul. Upon further investigation into Bizzar's other social media pages, it seems the producer has already been supported on Soundcloud by huge up and comer in the dance music scene, Slushii. With under 500 followers on all major forms of social media, it seems we may have caught a future star in the very early days of his or her career. Make sure to stay posted to our site to catch any new info about this mysterious producer, we can't wait to see what he or she has in store for us next.