A word that is thrown around a lot in music production these days is “organic”. As today's music continues to take steps away from acoustic instruments, many innovative artists strive to achieve a sound that feels as natural as walking through the woods. For electronic music, artists like Tycho and Geotic have synthesized antique pianos and soft guitars with compressed bass hits and lilting synths to create ambient masterpieces.
This style of natura-beats can be difficult to achieve, but Monstercat's newest roster addition Duumu has effortlessly concocted his first EP, and it's epic. “Illuminate” is beauty and serenity personified. I was immediately arrested by the mountainous ambient track “Recovery”, all the way to the final chill-hop love letter “For Her”.
What defines this album is it's simplicity. There is a gracious benevolence that Duumu expresses through his music, even when making more dance-able music. Take a listen on the next misty morning that rolls around, and tell us what you think!
Related: Programming Music
Related: Chillhop Music