Easily one of Armada Music's best and brightest all stars, Radion6 has been unstoppable. Following one hit after another with tunes like “Shockwave”, “Hope”, and “Living The Dream”, the Dutch producer has demonstrated not just serious studio chops but a clear dedication to the true spirit of trance. This is quite apparent in “World Of Tomorrow”, out now on the ASOT imprint. Tracks like this make the case for trance being the ideal mainstage music and with beats of this scale it's hard to deny. There's no clutter in this tune, making it effortless for latch onto the classically inspired melody. While it's not the most emotionally driven banger out of the Armada repertoire, it's grandiosity proves more than enough to entice listeners and blow the minds of the biggest dancefloor crowds. Radion6 is expected to make more US appearances soon, so hardcore trancers keep a sharp eye out for this one.