Zane Siddiqui a.k.a “Ryos” is an 18 year old electronic dance music producer born and raised on Long Island, New York. At the age of 16, Zane first turned industry heads winning first place in a remix contest for Borgeous and Shaun Frank‘s hit, ‘This Could Be Love'. That remix was played in clubs all over the world and was in heavy rotation on SiriusXM radio Since then Ryos has put out a series of originals, bootlegs and remixes. His latest hit ‘Discover Love' feat Envy Monroe already has 125k listens on Souncloud and has been out just 2 weeks. At just 18, the sky is the limit for this young superstar.
Due to his immediately recognizable sound and ferociously energizing productions, Ryos' name is hot on the lips of many of Progressive House's tastemakers such as Tiesto, W&W, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Nicky Romero, Martin Garrix, Afrojack, Dash Berlin, and more.
With all of this already accomplished at such a young age one can only wonder what Ryos has in store, as he certainly has no plans on stopping until he has reached his maximum potential.
Check out our exclusive interview and guest mix he shared with us below!
1) Let's start off with your name, where did Ryos come from?
– Ryos was my gamertag on Xbox when I use to play Call Of Duty with a bunch of friends. When I was making my gamertag, my friend Josh gave me the name Ryos. Fast forward to when I decided I wanted to be a DJ/Producer, I chose Ryos since it acted as my “alter-ego” before.
2) Who are some of your biggest musical inspirations?
– Hardwell, Alesso, Axwell ^ Ingrosso, Martin Garrix are all people that I look up to. I also look to pretty much anyone in the industry for musical inspiration. Hearing fresh new music from artists is always inspiring to me. My good friend KAAZE is also a big inspiration, he shows me new music he's working on + gives me helpful tricks in the studio that really inspires me to make some good music!
3) Is DJ'ing your full time career & what made you decide making this more than a hobby?
– Yes it is! I decided to make it more than a hobby when I wanted to make music more than anything. I use to play tennis competitively and that was the realm I wanted to be in, but it got to the point that I was more excited to get off the court to make some music rather than to get on the court to play tennis. After seeing some success and a growing fan base, I decided to pursue music full time & I couldn't be happier. I am very fortunate and grateful to have such an oppurtunity.
4) Thanks for making the mix. What is the thought process behind making a mix compared to making a single track, and what are a few songs in the mix that you think make it stand out?
– My pleasure! For me, I like my sets to be how I would like to hear them personally. Even for my guest mixes, I prepare them just as I would a live performance. I like energetic, quick mixes, however it needs to make sense, and captivate the listenter – essentially take them on a journey and that's what I try to. I'm known for my melodic sound, but I defintely need to have variation in my sets other than just progressive house. This is just my personal taste, but it is important to me to showcase what I am most proud of. It's similar to making a track in that aspect for me, I like energy, journey, and capitvation in both my sets and productions. Obviously it's quite different from making a track technically speaking, but it could be viewed as similar in those aspects! Some stand out tracks in this set was Cuebrick's remix to Hung Up, and Maddix's remix to Alive! Those remixes are both amazing and I'm really digging them at the moment. All the tracks in my set I really enjoy though, as I said before, I showcase my personal taste in my mixes in efforts to really bring an energetic, cohesive set to the listener. So in that case, all the tracks are special
5) Your new song “Discover Love” with vocals by Envy Monroe is fantastic, and already has 125k listens in 14 days, what went into making this song?
– Thanks so much! A lot of time, patience, and experimentation went into this track. I tried so many different concepts before finally making what the final product is today. I'm happy that after so much work, it's finally released and that the reactions have been great!
6) What does the summer have in store for Ryos, anything special?
– Getting a lot of work done in the studio, as well as doing some really cool shows! I'm super stoked for the summer, it should be a big one for sure!
7) What are your favorite things to do besides make music?
– Spend time with my girlfriend and family! I also like to play poker on this app I have on my phone, as well as Call Of Duty. I've recently gotten a bit nerdy & really been enjoying learning about science, outer space, and the world around us as well. Really interesting stuff!
8) What is your favorite movie of all time?
– Nothing in particular comes to mind, I do enjoy watching movies, but I'm more of a TV Series kinda guy. Shameless is where it's at!
9) Favorite home cooked meal?
– Cajun Salmon all day!
10) Favorite Junk Food?
– Recently been trying to be more healthy and stuff, but hot Wings and cheeseburgers are probably my favorite junk foods!
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