Remember that time we keyed you into the ‘wonkiest song you'll hear this week'? Well good news, there's another song that may just be more wonkier than the last one. MONXX & Walter Wilde are back with “The Wonky Song (X Rated Version),” and believe me, this song is bound to make the bass lovers excited.
Essentially a remix of Excision's remix of this song, the bass wobbles so hard and the synth stretches so wide that you'll definitely be entertained. Originally released a few months ago, it seems that MONXX is really amping up the promotion of this song – because let's face it, it's always a good time to get wonky. From what we can tell, MONXX has been in a bit of an “exploratory” stage with his music. This song, plus his brand new EP “Creative Juices” seem to illustrate just that.