Over the past few decades, the electronic music has changed drastically. From the underground rave culture to the massive dance music festivals, it's no question that dance music has changed throughout the years. When the Reddit user doomedmage06 asked the r/ElectronicMusic sub-reddit some of the most hated EDM trends, here were the most popular answers.
Most Hated EDM Trends
1. Cookie Cutter Unorganized Songs
Xxviii_28 writes “When a well-constructed melody builds in the first couple of minutes, only to drop into atonal screeching, subs and reverb with no sign of the original tune anywhere. Like, you could have floored your audience with thick layers of bassy and bouncy saw waves and samples pinging all over the place, smashing your initial melody to new heights and really getting the pulse going. But instead you basically threw your lead line in the bin, said “TIME 2 BRING DA FIRE” and started pitch-shifting some rough FM synthesis around a bit with a kick drum.
Yeah it's “filthy”, but so are a billion other electro tracks that sound exactly like your lazy cookie-cutter bullshit. Have the balls to follow through with your musical ideas instead of throwing a distorted mangle of noise through 6 reverb plugins, copy-pasting a couple of times and calling it a day. Every track has the potential to be more than just a carriage for your shitty waveform experiments.”
2. When Artists Have Business Plans Before Great Music
Grain_delay writes “When artists come up with a killer business and marketing plan before they have killer music.”
3. The Lack of Dancing
alpalicious writes “The lack of actual dancing going on. People facing the same direction is a sad indicator that current “dance” music is no longer dance music.”
4. When Artists Use “V”‘s instead of “U”‘s in Their Name
occupy_elm_st writes “The number of artist names in all caps missing vowels and “V”s instead of “U”s. It's a sure shot way to get me to judge a book by its cover.”
5. DJs Talking On The Mics During Their Set
StaRkill3rz writes “DJs talking on the Mic during their set. Stop. Just play your fucking tracks. Either have a hype man for a festival (like Ultra has that raspy fucker) or if your genre fits have an MC like drum & bass. even then you better be good.”
6. Songs Less Than 3 Minutes
HLRxxKarl writes “Making songs that are less than 3 minutes long that are basically a constant drop. Nobody has any value for musicality, progression, or innovation anymore. Everything is just following a straightforward banger formula now.”
7. When Artists Say They Don't Make Genres
RAATL writes “”I don't have genres,””I transcend genres,” “genre-less,” “Fuck genres,” “genres can't bind me”
No, you make dubstep.
8. Drops in EDM Songs
SocratesJohnson writes “Definitely “the drop.” I can't stand tracks that have 2 minutes of fluff just to build up to a drop, not to mention how excruciatingly formulaic it is. But that seems to be the popular “pure fire lit as fuck banger” formula.”
9. When Songs Get Over-Produced
Avaleer writes “When genres get over-produced to death. Future Bass seemed so cool and novel a few years back and even though I'd say there are some still cool pioneers of the style (Flume, ODESZA, etc), in many ways it has become incredibly generic because it seems everyone does it. (I'm generalizing but the point stands, at least in mainstream EDM).”
10. When Artists Say “3, 2, 1, JUMP!” In Their Sets
Read more disliked EDM trends on the Reddit discussion board here.