This isn't your typical Trap Track. But then again, what is ever “typical” or “normal” coming out of OWSLA? I say that with a huge smile on my face because I friggin' love everything this label stands for. Now Mark Johns is back with the soothing sound we have grown so accustomed to over the years. If you haven't been living under a rock in recent years, you are surely well versed in the sounds of not only Sonny Moore, but also, Mark Johns (she is not a dude).
It has been a big year thus far for the ladies of OWSLA and Johns smashed it with this melo toned track that is more likely to send shivers up your arms then make you want to snap your neck.
I label this track “Trap”, to which Trap heads would probably want to throw a wrench at me. To which I say, hey man, if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball (shout Patches O'Houlihan). But, it is Trap. The track is super chill and not what you would expect. Sonny has been telling Johns all along to “be whatever the f— she wants to be” and its is emulated in this different production. “Same Girl” brings an R&B feel and delivers something that could be listened to after the club, at your apartment, with a bottle of wine, your favorite person, in the bedroom, without…. see where I'm going with this? Its a damn sexy track and I will be adding it to my late night playlist… Get it now? Again, not your traditional OWLSA track, but ain't a damn thing generic about the crew. Raddest in the biz.
Peep “Same Girl” below, Clothing optional…