Last night in Orlando Khalid brought out the one and only Marshmello to help close down his incredible show. The vocalist who has quickly risen to fame in the dance music world with the help of Calvin Harris, has an upcoming collaboration with Marshmello. Khalid is no stranger to massive success, as his solo career was formed through powerful lyrics and vocals alike. Now with dance music domination taking center stage in his career, his collaborations continue to impress.
Marshmello came out at the very end of his set and clearly was not informed in terms of choreography. This made for an absolutely hilarious couple minutes of classic Marshmello dancing complete with excessive trap arms and one moment where he just kind of spins around. All in all it is moments like this that remind us how lovable Marshmello really is. While we have no official release date for the duo's collaboration we have to imagine that it is soon with appearances like these.
Can't believe Khalid brought out my mans @marshmellomusic #MelloGang
— P-Nut (@Dustin_Lamia) August 2, 2017
.@marshmellomusic made an appearance tonight in Orlando!!
— Khalid Daily (@KhalidDaiIy) August 2, 2017
Thank you
@thegreatkhalid @marshmellomusic
— Ruthie
(@rose_ruthie) August 2, 2017
— Baylee (@Gucci_Bane) August 2, 2017