Back in 2013 it was reported that Deadmau5 was getting married in an underwater-themed wedding. Despite this wedding never happening, Deadmau5 has found love once again with his beautiful fiancé Kelly Fedoni.
After keeping his engagement quiet back in 2016, Deadmau5 has announced his plans this weekend to marry Kelly.
k brb getting married.
— dead mow cinco (@deadmau5) August 11, 2017
i'm actually serious, going offline for 2 days. tomorrows our big day, and i have to entertain guests and shit, so seeya monday.
— dead mow cinco (@deadmau5) August 11, 2017
@deadmau5 are you nervous at all?
About the wedding – not our impending nuclear doom..— MelbMau5 (@duncanathan) August 11, 2017
same thing.
— dead mow cinco (@deadmau5) August 11, 2017
Ahhh have a great time getting married to the best woman ever. Happy 4 u both
— RΞZZ (@OfficialRezz) August 11, 2017
Congratulations Deadmau5 and Kelly! We wish you a joyful and happy marriage.