We have seen some seriously innovative ways to sneak drugs and alcohol into events over the years but this might just be the most legendary thing we have ever seen. This guy, who we will refer to as just ‘Alex' to keep his anonymity came up with the most brilliant plan we have ever seen. Alex went to Randell's Island weeks before Electric Zoo 2017 even started to set up and buried a water bottle full of vodka.
Alex watched as the festival crew came in and started to set up stages and tents and prepare the grounds. Lucky for him he was able to pick a spot for his buried treasure that would not be disturbed by the preparations of the festival. He then attended Electric Zoo, found where he had buried his booty and dug it up to enjoy. This takes some serious planning but probably helped him save easily $100 in drink fees. Now while we cannot say we officially endorse this kind of behavior, this is down right genius.
Check out the pictures below. We have hide Alex's last name and face for anonymity purposes.
UPDATE: Many of you have noticed different caps, here's what Alex says about the situation.