East coast dirty birdies, rejoice! Mysterious flyers at this past weekends Dirtybird Campout revealed the date of an East coast edition of the traditionally West coast festival.
Dirtybird Campout is a very unique festival that made its third return to California just this past weekend. The festival is curated by the tech-house label, the brain child of none other than Claude VonStroke. VonStoke is the head ‘counselor' of this festival, and the rest of the artists on the jampacked lineup serve as fellow counselors to play old-school games with attendees all weekend. This years festivities included karaoke, scavenger hunts, egg tosses and tug of war.
So far all we know for certain of this mysterious East Coast Campout is it's date; February 2-4 2018. The Dirtybird website tells us that more information will be coming out on October 30th, so until then we'll have to just keep guessing. To keep up to date with any new information, follow Dirtybird Campout on their twitter and facebook.
If you're like us and already certain you will be in attendance, enter their ticket contest here. We hope to see you there!
In the mean time, check out this really cute video of Daddy Bird preparing for this years Campout.