Martin Garrix has dropped a bit of massive news today. He is returning a massive alias that many may not even be familiar with. This Friday it has been announced that Martin will be returning with a collaboration with Brooks under his GRX alias.
The track will be called ‘Boomerang' and was played out this past weekend at Austin City Limits. Trust me – having heard this one live and being able to see a crowd reaction – this song is an all star. Martin Garrix Hub – the go to source for all things Martin were the first to break the News of the upcoming alias release. You can click the link in their tweet below to find a little snippet of the track during Martin's ACL performance.
Martin Garrix will be releasing a new collaboration with Brooks this Friday under his old alias, GRX.
Preview :
— MARTIN GARRIX HUB (@MartinGarrixHub) October 11, 2017