The Rohingyas are easily the most persecuted ethnic minority in the world. They are a people who have lived in Myanmar for generations but have consistently been persecuted through harsh treatment and now genocide by the Myanmar government. The Rohingyas have no place to call their own, they literally have no home. Pushed out by their own government and having no where to go Amnesty International has reported the situation in Myanmar has become beyond critical.
DJ Snake and his friends Sebas, Juanita, Juan, Omar, Grand JD, Jhon Rachid, Yvick, Seb & Jerome have started the campaign to benefit those who have become attacked by their own government. The campaign has almost raised $1.5 million dollars in less than a week. If you would like to learn more watch the short video below and follow this link to donate yourself.
IT STARTS WITH US. Please donate now. The Rohingya people need our help. Human to Human. Let’s make a difference.
— DJ SNAKE (@djsnake) November 28, 2017
.@CalvinHarris donated 20 000$ for #LoveArmyForRohingya, what a man
— Calvin Harris France (@CalvinHFR) November 29, 2017