Ladies and Gentleman, Rezz has just suddenly released a new collaboration with DJ/Producer, Isqa. Rezz introduced the new track on her facebook, sharing the glorious news of the new release. You can check out the new track on her Soundcloud profile along with Isqa's.
This tracks intense synths and creepy sound effects provide a truly sinister vibe. Rezz and Isqa have perfectly combined the elements of what a psycho injected masterpiece would surely contain. The worrisome yet devastated voices who speak in the track strongly complemented it, exhibiting a true picture of intense insanity. You will undoubtedly feel like you are entering the doors of a madhouse once you listen to this collaboration for the first time. The creators of American Horror Story should really consider using this track for the next upcoming season. It surely fits the aspect of what that show is really about.
Ready to enter the world of true insanity. Press the play button if you dare to enter.