There have been a lot of trends in 2017. One of the most painful but also worthwhile has been that of kids talking out against bullying. This has been seen mainly through Facebook or Youtube videos which parents upload of their kids talking about their experiences with bullies. The video which has been making the rounds most recently is that of the East Tennessee boy, Keaton Jones. Fair warning the below video is hard to watch.
Keaton speaks at length about how he no longer wants to attend school because kids have made it so unbearable for him by teasing him. It is truly heartbreaking and stirs up memories for just about everyone who views it.
Keaton Jones
What has been more than inspiring is the outpouring of support to Keaton in the wake of his video talking about his experience going viral. Sports stars, hip hop artists, celebrities and more have supported Keaton and offered him different experiences to show him that talking out against bullying was the right thing to do. One of our very own super star artists in EDM reached out to Keaton. Zedd has offered the student an all expense paid trip to come and see one of his shows.
We cannot say it enough, there is nothing cool about bullying. If you are experiencing any sort of negative treatment from your peers – speak up!
Hey Keaton Jones, I’d like to invite you to be my guest at any show of mine of your choice. I’ll cover ur flights and accommodation.
Big up for speaking up, buddy!!!— Zedd (@Zedd) December 11, 2017