Bronze Whale is back with their first drop off the year with “Exposure”, the hard hitting, synth heavy original single that features some amazing vocal chops throughout. This Austin, TX based duo has continued to impress us here for a couple years now, but this song in particular paves a new path for their epic sound. Check out a quote from the guys below and under that stream their new track “Exposure” — enjoy your weekend EDM Saucers.
“We decided at the end of 2017 to head back out to Colorado to work on new music. This time we took a bunch of the Magic Magic Collective team, and turned it into a giant writing retreat. Our goal was to create songs that relied less of vocals and more on instrumentation. Exposure was one of the first ideas to come out during these sessions. It felt more vulnerable and emotion driven, capturing those days camped around a big table with all of our best friends. It’s the first of a ton of new music this year and we couldn’t be more excited!” – Bronze Whale