It is weird to think that it has almost been 2 whole weeks since Swedish House Mafia reunited on the Ultra Main Stage to close out the festival. Immediately people wondered the obvious questions – is this a one-time thing or will the guys return as a touring act?
Everyone Loves Speculation
Swedish House Mafia announced when they were on stage at Ultra that they were back together ‘for life'. While that statement is a bit nebulous, fans took it at face value believing the trio will be once again a bookable act.
Now that the hype around Ultra Miami has ended, Ultra Europe speculation is all the rage. Fans were quick to notice that both Steve Angello and Axwell/\Ingrosso were both billed on the lineup. Steve Angello posted to his Insta story last week “Expect The Unexpected When Steve Angello Takes The Stage This Summer”. While Steve may just be using the tagline to hype up his many performances, the fact he canceled his tour of Asia adds to the evidence that SHM will be performing at more stops that just Ultra Miami.
The last piece of evidence is the weakest, but still worth noting. Ultra has started to circle the dates of their festivals, which makes a pretty convincing SHM logo when you (really) think about it. So with Ultra Europe only a few months away, the rumors are expected to only grow.