Love it or hate it, SoundCloud is one of the most popular music streaming platforms today. Over the years, thousands of artists have made a name for themselves on SoundCloud. While some have figured out how to use the service correctly, there are still thousands of producers that can't figure out how to fully optimize their tracks.
On a recently added blog post on the streaming music platform, SoundCloud added key ways to optimize your songs for SoundCloud. Check out the 5 SoundCloud tips below.
SoundCloud Tips
Keep Your Song, Album, and Playlist Titles Clean
Keeping your titles clean doesn't mean censorship. SoundCloud suggests to avoid duplicating information that's displayed elsewhere. There's no need to add track numbers to your songs when uploading an album.
Bad Title: TruexLovexVersion1.0
Good Title: True Love
Optimize SoundCloud Images, Descriptions, and Metadata
It's also important to optimize and make the most out of images and descriptions. Upload artwork for your tracks with a higher resolution that tends to fit the modern practices others are doing.
Your song's descriptions are the perfect play to talk about the song's history, add credits, lyrics, gear lists, or guest lists. Also, feel free to shout out collaborators and featured artists in the description as well.
SoundCloud Tags Are Important
SoundCloud emphasized that adding SoundCloud tags are essential for your song's success. Because SoundCloud uses an algorithm to recommend tracks to users, it's important to tag your songs with accurate genre and mood tags.
Build A Discography on SoundCloud
Playlists that are marked as an album, single, EP, or compilation will be displayed in the albums section of your profile. If you want to dig into your archive and upload old tracks, they will be displayed in your discography without taking attention away from your most recent songs.
Edit Multiple Songs At Once
Now it's easier than ever to make bulk changes to your SoundCloud tracks. You can update settings, tags, and artworks to multiple tracks at once by visiting this link here.