Figure has long been a champion of fusing horror into his sound design with releases based on classic slasher films such as Friday the Thirteenth and Nightmare on Elm Street. While Hi I’m Ghost puts a more playful spin on the genre focusing on the gut feeling of spooky over horror, the two acts have found a sonically satisfying meeting place. ‘Fe Fi Fo Fum' builds from an ominous piano over a pitched down music box. A spidery ‘Fe Fi Fo Fum' spindles its web around an unsuspecting guitar riff until the song descends into a hell-scape inhabited by creatures as large those in the tale of Jack and the Giant Bean Stalk.
With entrancing guitar riffs that play over hypnotic slasher style chords the song does a good job of capturing both collaborators’ styles. It’s no surprise that the song will be released on Friday the 13th on Figure’s the Heartbeat of Hell EP under Never Say Die’s sub-label, Black Label. Figure has been working on the Heartbeat of Hell EP for a while and from what he’s put out so far, the EP looks terrifyingly promising. Pre-save the full EP on Spotify here: