One of the biggest storylines in dance music this year is the fact that Ultra Music Festival might be forced to find a new home. For many years the festival has called Bayfront Park in downtown Miami home. But residents have gotten fed up with the noise the festival produces as well as the chaos that the city descends into each March.
Fans seem to think that residents complaining about one week of noise is a bit ridiculous, and we have to agree. But city councilors have heard the complaints of residents, and now shot down a contract extension for Ultra, as well as limited the days Bayfront Park can be closed to the public.
While time remains for Ultra to rewrite their contract and once again submit it for approval, fans are struggling to make sense of the decision to seemingly banish an event which injects tens of millions into the city's economy.
Organizing Against Ultra
Over on the UMF subreddit, a discussion emerged questioning if Ultra does anything to help the residents during the festival, or thanks them in any way for hosting the festival.
One user piped in and explain that while Ultra does nothing, building management works hard to organize residents against Ultra. Reports emerged that buildings provide shuttles to city council meetings, as well as give away Bluetooth speakers to any resident who attends in favor of removing Ultra.
While these claims currently remain unsubstantiated – it demonstrates that those against Ultra continuing to take place at Bayfront are not above dirty tactics to get what they want.