First and foremost, sorry for the back to back push notifications to our users, but wow has a lot of news dropped in the last 10 minutes. After DJ Mag had just announced the winner of the 2018 Top 100 (congrats to Martin Garrix), all members of Swedish House Mafia took to Instagram to confirm another stop on their 2019 tour.
Last week Steve Angello confirmed the group would be returning to Mexico in 2019, today Stockholm, Sweden has been announced as another stop. Sticking with the consistent branding the group has been using over the last 6 months since their first reunion at Ultra Miami, each of the members have STOCKHOLM repeated in three lines on their social media accounts.
So there you have it! While we are technically waiting for an official announcement coming this Monday from the group, when the countdown clock ends on their official website. The stops are starting to leak out, and we are incredibly excited to see what else is to come.