Last week the Netflix documentary about Fyre Festival finally went live. The film was quite comprehensive, and despite some potential ethical hang-ups was well made and informative.
The ethical complaints came from the fact that Jerry Media were co-producers of the documentary as well as the social marketers of the festival itself. Rarely, if ever will the subject of a Documentary get a producer credit. Regardless of this dilemma, Netflix's doc gave a peek into the insane world of Fyre Festival.
One of the most crushing moments of the documentary was when it featured an interview with Maryann Rolle. Maryann explained how she and her staff catered around the clock to thousands of attendees and workers, only to not be paid by Fyre Festival.
In short, it financially ruined her, as she paid her workers out of her own pocket. While Fyre Festival defrauded thousands, the local community of Great Exuma was hit the hardest. They worked tirelessly only to never be paid. The Go Fund Me for Maryann has raised over $130,000. In case you needed a bit of good news today – check out the Go Fund Me here, and consider donating.