The world was begging for this remix for months. The second that the children's song, ‘Baby Shark' hit the airwaves in an insane resurgence, fans were pretty insistent that Jauz try his hand at remixing the track.
After months of waiting, and a lot more teasing than was probably necessary – Jauz finally gave the world what it thought it wanted for so long yesterday at Coachella.
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Like all things in life, the remix was met with mixed reviews, as many people were pretty confused about what was happening. Obviously, Coachella doesn't match up 100% with the EDM Twitter demographic.
That being said it was an absolute Coachella moment that will go down in history beside the Walmart Yodel kid taking over Whethan's set last year. Check out the full remix below.
— Lex ♡
(@lexuplifted) April 13, 2019
— Lex ♡
(@lexuplifted) April 13, 2019