Headliners, EDC Las Vegas is officially this week! If you are traveling to the city of Las Vegas or you reside near the festival, then this preparation guide may come in handy for you. Whether you are a first-timer or an EDC veteran, it's important that you go to the festival prepared. Here is our official EDC Las Vegas Prep Guide.
1. Bring the Necessities.
As many of you know, there are certain items that are needed to enter the festival grounds. Before you head to the airport or make your way to the festival, make sure that you have the following necessities:
– ID
– Wristband
– Shuttle Pass (If you're taking the shuttle)
It is tremendously important that you make sure that you have these items! If you forget any one of them, then you will not be allowed to access your shuttle nor the festival itself. This music festival is an 18+ event, so your ID is required for the event staff to confirm that you are of age. If you currently don't own an ID, then there are other forms of identification that you can bring instead. You can determine what is acceptable here. Your wristband is also required to actually be able to access the music festival. If you do leave or lose your wristband, then you can always purchase a new one at a small additional fee at will call. The same thing goes for the shuttle pass. Without your shuttle pass, you will not be able to get onto any of the shuttles.
2. Wear Comfortable Clothing and Shoes
This is also one of the most important tips when attending EDC Las Vegas. The Las Vegas Motor Speedway is located in the desert, so that means it will be hot. Make sure to wear light clothing, such as shorts and tank tops, to keep you cool. This will also help to prevent you from having a heat stroke. Long sleeve shirts and jeans can cause you to sweat excessively, leading you to become dehydrated much faster. You also want to wear shoes that are comfortable. Flat shoes, such as converse and vans, are not recommended. Shoes that contain memory foam or cloud foam will surely prevent your feet from hurting much faster. This will allow you to be able to stay at the festival longer, leading you to see more of your favorite artists and the sunrise.
3. Stay Hydrated
Make sure that you stay hydrated at the festival. There will be free refillable water stations at the festival, meaning that water will always be available to you. Hydration packs can come in handy when it comes to staying hydrated. Not only will you be able to carry about 1 – 2 liters of water on your back, but you will also be able to drink it in the middle of a crowd hassle free. If hydration packs aren't for you, then you are allowed to bring official Insomniac refillable canteens. They must be empty when you enter the festival grounds.
4. Check Out the Prohibited and Acceptable Items List.
Unsure what you are allowed to bring into the venue? Make sure that you check out the events prohibited and acceptable items list. If you are feeling uneasy bringing a certain item, then this will surely help. You want security check to run smoothly so you can enter the festival as fast as possible, and this list can certainly help you out with that. You can check it out here.
5. Prepare Your Setlist Schedule Before Hand
Obviously, many of you are looking forward to seeing some of your favorite performers at this popular festival. Plan your day accordingly by creating a proper setlist schedule with all the artists you want to see. The official set times have not yet been released, but make sure to stay tuned to find out when they will be.
6. Know Where All the Medical Tents are
In case something happens, pinpoint where all the nearest medical tents are. Most emergencies and accidents happen when you least expect it, so it's better to know where they are located. If you see anyone that is in need of medical services, you can also help direct them to it. If you don't see any of the tents, a map will be available to you once you enter the festival.