Holy hell – HOLYWATER.
We round the internet constantly for new up and coming music constantly and each day it gets more and more difficult to find something original as there is so much competition out there in the dance music genre.
When we say HOLYWATER is on to something – we absolutely mean it. This track may not be equipped with all of the bells and whistles you want to find in a festival / club banger, but man, this is the type of stuff we LOVE here at EDMsauce.com – something that fits outside of the box, is super well done, and is incredibly cohesive. From the dystopian style synths, percussions, and melancholy lyrics, we were super impressed with everything in this record.
From a production standpoint – the track is nearly flawless – checking every box in the originality work sheet. Pulling together 80's style percussions / synths, but quite clearly modernizing the rest of the record – just wow. Super Impressive stuff here.