Dance music is kind of known for its bizarre music videos. If you doubt that go check out Aphex Twin's ‘Window Licker' or Duck Sauce's ‘Big Bad Wolf'. Trust me, go ahead, I'll wait.
Okay good. Now that you are up to speed with the bizarre world of EDM Music Videos, we dive into a whole new level of weird. Deadmau5 debuted the official music video for his collaboration with Rob Swire, ‘Monophobia' today, and it is something else.
Monophobia is the fear of isolation, and from what we can tell Deadmau5 is giving us an unadulterated look into his own twisted mind with this video. Full of CGI elements acting a fool around Mau5′ estate, this video will leave you confused. That being said – it is a true work of art. Turns out I had no idea how much I needed this music video in my life. Check it out below.