Anyone who has their finger on their pulse of the music scene right now will tell you that genres are going the way of the dodo. What's all the rage now are tracks that fuse together multiple sounds and styles to creates something new. When it comes to DJ Producer Lo Key, look no farther than his newest release. Disco, trance, and tech all come together in his newest track, “Summer Nights.” A fluid and amorphous track that takes a turn halfway through, you will find this to be a great journey from start to finish.
Based on the God of Trickery, Loki, Lo Key symbolizes the idea of turning ugly things into something beautiful:
“I created “Summer Nights” literally in a three hour session after a full day of being in the pool, getting baked in the Arizona summer heat and spending time with good company. After watching the sunset and listening to a brand new house playlist I stumbled upon throughout the day, I felt a wave of creativity that strikes every so often where I know something cool is going to be created – even if I don't release the song. This song in particular was just so different than what I was putting out that I knew that this would be the perfect transition into the newer music I'm going to be releasing and ultimately taking my project in a new direction. I hope that all of the listeners can catch the same vibe that I caught when I created this song and is a perfect accent to their Summer Night.”
Keep up with Lo Key using the links below, because there is an extremely bright future in store.
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