A sonic escapade deep into the world of aiwake and Saen, powerful joint forces deliver a dynamic “Faded Patterns.” Serving as the lead single from the three artists' forthcoming #99000a EP, “Faded Patterns” is out now via Warner's Level Music. Gritty pop meets elegant electronic in this new single, and grips listeners into a compelling vocal dreamstate. Properly suited for anyone looking to experience a heightened emotional state, “Faded Patterns” is a deep sense of longing.
Speaking on the track, duo Saen says the following: “The title ‘Faded Patterns' is both literal and expressive. It's a series of smooth and abrasive textures that create moving patterns underneath nostalgic lyrics. Faded patterns sneak in and out, bringing you back to old habits and feelings you hoped you forgot.”
Moving to its core, “Faded Patterns” is a tune for the ages. Find the single below, stream it here, and stay tuned for more from aiwake & Saen as they traverse through their #99000a EP.