This is a remarkable and inspiring story. Smirnoff has teamed with DJ Fresh and Julien Castet, a neurotechnology expert, to help three disabled musicians create a dance track using only the power of their minds. Castet first used an ElectroEncephaloGraphy device (EEG) to measure the electrical activity of the brain, which was then converted into sound waves. Taking these sounds and using music software to create the various elements of the track they were able to do the unthinkable….create a track using the mind.
“Mindtunes” is the track that was created by Andy, Jo and Mark. The track was produced by DJ Fresh. All proceeds from this track go directly to the Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for disabled people.
This is an 11 min documentary on how they used this technology to turn emotions into music, followed by the Music Video.
Proceeds go directly to the Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for disabled people.