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Best Podcast Hosting Platform

A podcast hosting platform publishes and distributes your podcast to directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts so listeners can access your show everywhere. This guide explores the top podcast hosts.

Best Podcast Hosting Platform
What Does a Podcast Host Provide?

A podcast host handles key publishing needs:

  • Upload and Storage – Hosts store episode audio files on their servers. Most offer unlimited storage.
  • RSS Feed – The podcast host generates an RSS feed with your episodes that directories subscribe to.
  • Distribution – They push your RSS feed to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and more for wide availability.
  • Playback Stats – Hosts track listens across platforms to provide download and listener analytics.
  • Website Embed – They give you embed codes to add your podcast on sites.
  • Custom Domains – Hosts let you use your own domain name for branding.

For one monthly fee, a host handles the complexity of podcast distribution and statistics.

Factors When Choosing a Podcast Host

Consider these key factors when picking a podcast host:

Upload Size Limits

Entry-level hosts may limit per episode file sizes. Pro hosts support large file uploads for long shows and high-quality audio.


Look for robust stats on listens, locations, referrals, plus demographic data. Download numbers determine advertising rates.


Can you customize the podcast homepage with branding? What embed options are available?


Ensure wide availability across all major platforms and directories including Spotify, Google Podcasts, Pandora.


Hosting costs range from $5 to $50+ per month. Balance features with your budget.

Compare hosts across these criteria based on your specific podcast’s needs.

The 8 Best Podcast Hosting Platforms



Whether you're looking to start a new podcast or move your existing podcast, Acast has you covered.

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Acast specializes in podcast monetization and distribution support. Used by top brands.

Key Features:

  • Distribution to major directories
  • Built-in dynamic ad insertion
  • Detailed listener demographics
  • Work directly with brands for sponsorships
  • Plans from $19.99 to $149.99 per month

For premium growth-focused hosting, Acast caters to professional podcasters ready to monetize.



Join over 25,000 podcasters and automatically create a beautiful, listener-friendly podcast site from your RSS feed.

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Podpage balances powerful analytics and custom branding options at competitive pricing.

Key Features:

  • Unlimited uploads with 5GB per file size
  • Complete website builder with branding
  • Embeddable player
  • Audience insights and traffic analytics
  • Plans from $12 to $36 per month

For strong publishing tools at startup-friendly rates, Podpage hits the sweet spot on features versus cost.


Anchor offers free hosting with intuitive creation tools. Beginner-friendly.

Key Features:

  • Free unlimited hosting
  • Easy recording and editing
  • Insert music and sound effects
  • Monetize with ads
  • Distribute to all major platforms

Anchor makes starting a podcast extremely accessible for hobbyists with zero experience.

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Blubrry excels at detailed raw data and analytics for business podcasters.

Key Features:

  • In-depth performance analytics
  • Promotions within podcasting ecosystem
  • Advanced features like multi-show management
  • Scales for growing programs
  • Plans from $12 to $40 per month

For next-level business intelligence insights, Blubrry provides enterprise-grade analytics.


Libsyn offers podcasting's most robust tools and global distribution for 15+ years. An industry standard.

Key Features:

  • Leading global directory distribution
  • Advanced custom pages
  • Enterprise content management
  • Scales to multi-million download tier
  • Plans from $5 to $75 per month

Trusted by podcast veterans for unmatched analytics and global scale.


Buzzsprout delivers intuitive podcast hosting optimized for beginners starting out.

Key Features:

  • Auto-distribute to major platforms
  • Simple editing and customization
  • 90-day free storage
  • Great support for newcomers
  • Plans from $12 to $24 per month

For launching your first podcast, Buzzsprout makes getting started easy.


Podbean focuses on easy podcast publishing plus reliable global distribution.

Key Features:

  • Unlimited storage and bandwidth
  • Submit to all top directories
  • Website builder and embed options
  • Intuitive editor and recording
  • Plans from $7 to $299 per month

Podbean covers fundamentals like distribution, unlimited file sizes, and basic features for hobbyists. provides hosting tailored to indie podcasters and small teams, with solid customization.

Key Features:

  • Unlimited storage and bandwidth
  • Custom domain names
  • Website builder with themes
  • Strong distribution network
  • Plans from $7 to $135 per month

For independent podcasters wanting reliable hosting with custom branding, hits the market sweet spot.

Key Questions to Ask When Choosing

Beyond core features, ask hosts:

  • What destinations do you distribute to? Do you offer priority access?
  • How often are new episodes indexed across directories?
  • What detailed listening stats and demographics do you provide?
  • Can your platform support multiple shows and future growth?
  • How customizable is the episode webpage and show site?
  • What limits exist on storage, bandwidth, and upload sizes?
  • Do you assist creators in monetizing content?

Thoroughly evaluate hosts against your show goals and technical needs before committing.

Transitioning Between Podcast Hosts

If changing hosts after establishing your show:

  • Export your back catalog from the previous host if possible.
  • Set a transition date and redirect your audience.
  • On the new host, manually submit a feed of back episode data.
  • Make sure old episodes redirect to the new feed.
  • Notify directories of your new feed address.

Expect a transition lag as directories re-index the new feed. Inform listeners across channels to minimize disruption.

Podcast Hosting Pricing Models

Common pricing models include:

  • Per month flat fee – Prices based on features and limits like storage. Scales pricing tiers.
  • Per episode fee – Charges for each new episode uploaded. Predicts costs based on release cadence.
  • Bandwidth usage – Billing for bandwidth and traffic used based on downloads. Fluctuates with audience size.
  • Premium features à la carte – Core plan plus add-ons for advanced capabilities like transcripts.

Consider your current and future podcast size. Unlimited plans prevent surprise bandwidth overage costs if growing.

Self-Hosting vs. Podcast Platforms

Hosts handle the complexity of distribution. But you can also self-host by:

  • Uploading audio files to site media storage yourself
  • Generating your own RSS feed
  • Submitting the feed to directories manually
  • Embedding players yourself

Pros: Complete control and lower costs

Cons: Time investment and technical expertise required

Third-party hosting simplifies distribution for most creators. But developers with infrastructure may self-host.

FAQs About Podcast Hosting

How much should I budget for hosting?

Expect around $10 to $50+ per month. Many tiers suit different scales. Focus budget on essential distribution and publishing needs.

Can I switch hosts later?

Yes, you can migrate hosts anytime. Use 301 redirects and submit feed changes to prevent lapses. Expect a transition delay re-indexing episodes.

Which directories are most important?

Focus on availability in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Pandora and other major platforms. Most hosts distribute to the top directories.

How do hosting costs scale?

Entry plans work for early stages. Usage and bandwidth needs rise as your audience grows. Upgrade to higher tiers or enterprise plans accordingly.

Can I host multiple podcasts?

Many providers support managing multiple shows under one account. Some charge per additional show hosted.

How often do directories refresh feeds?

Apple Podcasts and others may take 1-2 days to index new episodes. Faster indexing means less delays getting episodes to listeners.


Choosing the best podcast host provides the foundation to reach listeners everywhere. Evaluate core publishing needs like unlimited storage and wide distribution along with key differentiators like analytics. For most creators, Anchor's free tier offers the easiest path to get started. As your show expands, explore tools like Podpage, Libsyn, and for next-level capabilities at competitive rates. With a solid hosting partner, focus efforts on producing compelling content to grow your audience.

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