Snapchat, the multi-billion dollar app, has just unveiled its latest feature. When snapchat added ‘My Story', we could upload snippets of our day by stringing together moments into one very personal narrative for all of our friends to see.
“But My Story has always represented a singular, personal experience. We wanted to build something that offered a community perspective – lots of different points of view. After all, our friends often see the same things in totally different ways.” –teamsnapchat
With the newest feature, individuals at a certain event are now able to contribute to one collective narrative known as ‘Our Story' by uploading unique pictures and videos. Anyone with the Snapchat app is able to download and watch a live stream of the event. Snapchat's goal is to help make people who aren't able to attend the event feel as if they are actually there, through the experience of others.
With a social media revolution as momentous as this, Snapchat had to choose an epic event to debut their idea… and what better place to do so than EDC Las Vegas?
“We’re making Our Story available for the first time at Electric Daisy Carnival this weekend (and we’re providing free WiFi for Snapchat and Insomniac!). If you’re at Electric Daisy Carnival, simply add a Snap to “Our EDC Story” that appears in your “Send to…” page. If you can’t make it to Electric Daisy Carnival, add EDCLive on Snapchat to check out the event – live – through a series of Snaps!” –teamsnapchat
Some can argue that ‘Our Story' will take away from the festival's magic, giving people a false sense of perception, making them feel like ‘they've been there and done that'. However, others can argue that this technology can only further promote an event. ‘Our Story' can help people who are unable to attend and event because of distance, disability, or financial reasons, experience something they couldn't normally.
The promotional video features thousands of eager fans going crazy at EDC as well as Tiesto uploading pictures and videos to ‘Our Story' from his point of view! If you have the Snapchat app, you probably have seen the video previewing ‘Our Story', but in case you missed it, or want to see the madness again here's the video below.
To read the official Snapchat announcement click here.