For those who have not yet heard the news, Matan Zohar, better known as Mat Zo, has started his own record label, Mad Zoo (See Post For Details). To launch his new record label, Mat is also releasing ‘The Up Down Left Right EP' on Mad Zoo. Although only a two track EP, there is much speculation that Mat Zo's new and unique style in the tracks will be present throughout future releases on the label. ‘The Up Down Left Right EP' is available for purchase on iTunes and Beatport today, but will also be available for free download on Mat Zo's SoundCloud for the next week. Mat Zo has a strong belief that all music should be free and plans to have all Mad Zoo music available for free download on SoundCloud for the first week alongside each release. So download Mat's new EP for free while you can, but if you're really a fan, do not be afraid to buy the EP and support the young, talented producer and his dreams!