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Don’t Knock It ‘Til You Try It: How To Convince An EDM Skeptic

It is really no secret that in most social circles EDM has become ‘cool' in some aspect. Whether it is at the level of knowing the difference between tech house, techno and deep house or just going to Life In Color and taking enough questionable ecstasy to have a religious experience…most people in the world generally will admit they like some kind of dance music.

That being said we all have that one friend, family member or resident douche who refuses to give EDM a chance. So with this little article I am compiling a few playlists that will help dispute any of the most common arguments against EDM. I am a true believer in the idea that no matter what your favorite genre of music is, there is a subgenre of electronic dance music that will meet your listening needs. So I have polled the staff here at EDM Sauce, and also asked my Facebook friends which songs they use to convert nonbelievers. This really did not work out as anticipated (I got only one response from Facebook…thanks Rachel) so after actually doing my Job and creating the list myself, here are the best songs to combat common responses why people do not like EDM.

Common Argument 1:

“EDM isn't even real music!” Usually defended with the statement “They don't even use instruments!”

Well this is just pure contempt prior to investigation. Saying EDM is made without instruments is just a common misconception and ignorance. There are hundreds of examples of dance music artists using instruments. Whats more is the idea that since some of the music is made through software, is that it is easy to create. Well all I have to say about that is look at this SMALL SECTION of one of Madeon‘s songs:


Some artists like Andrew Bayer and Above & Beyond are classically trained and masters of multiple instruments as well as production software. Also don't even get me started with Deadmau5 who has literally created a sonic laboratory which has a sole purpose of creating new sounds that instruments cannot physically produce. So here I present to you a short playlist highlighting artists who use live instruments to produce EDM as well as those who push the boundaries of what we have ever heard.

Common Argument 2:

“EDM is so annoying because it is all repetitive and/or predictable”

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This is one of the largest misconceptions of dance music. This is because most people's exposure to EDM has been through some night club, or local radio station's ‘Friday Night Party Hour'. Either of these routes of administration have some god awful, behind the times DJ on the decks, spinning some outdated or simplistic Electro. In reality electronic music has a seriously beautiful side to it. Since software can do what instruments cannot, many artists having taken it upon themselves to produce some of the most original, exciting and dynamic music the world has ever seen. While there is a side of EDM that is just build ups and drops, that is widely not the case. This is also where the idea that it is just ‘ecstasy music' comes from but once you start digging down the rabbit hole a little bit you quickly start to find some seriously original stuff. Just check out these dynamic tracks:

Common Argument 3:

“I see what you are saying about the instruments and originality but I like more mainstream music.”

Well when all else fails from an intellectual standpoint there is one secret weapon. People like what they know. So show people how many remixes are out there of songs they already like. Remixes and mash-ups are a pretty common place for people to get into the scene. So use it to your advantage!

The Last Resort

So lets say you are at the end of your rope. You have tried everything. Maybe they claim EDM is the work of the Illuminati, maybe they are just not able to admit they are wrong. Well whatever the case is you are going to need to overwhelm them with excitement and feels. So here is the final playlist, filled with catchy, upbeat, emotional tracks that WILL GET STUCK IN YOUR HEAD. In the end, even if you do not convince them that they do not hate EDM, you will have gotten a song stuck in their head for the foreseeable future, and I don't know about you but I will always take a petty victory.

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