The Dirtybird crew is rolling deep this October at the second annual Dirtybird Campout in Silverado, CA 7-9. Another phase of the lineup was just announced with Dirtybird players including; Green Velvet, Justin Martin, Justin Jay + Friends live, Tourist Ardalan, Will Clarke.
The Dirtybird Campout anticipates to be one of the most diverse and fun-filled festival experiences of the year, setting out to be a weekend of world-classic music, games and more. Below is a snippet of some of the festival activities:
From sunset jams at the BIRDHOUSE stage to jacking beats at the after-hours, Campers will rejoice as their finely selected 2016 Music All-Stars guide them through the care-free weekend of their lives. So pack up your gear, iron on your badges, and leave the rest to Counselor Claude and his merry crew of world-class DJs.