So the return to glory trance is experiencing the past year is absolutely incredible. Some of the best artists who decided to leave the legendary genre for greener pastures are returning to the euphoric fan favorite to enjoy the new popularity. Most under new aliases. We could mention quite a few artists who have followed this trend but most recently people have been gossiping about W&W possibly jumping on the band wagon.
Ultra dropped phase 2 and people were freaking out about why W&W were not listed on the line up. Well Ultra helped us all out and responded to a fan's concerned comment with ‘look closer'. So we did and we noticed NWYR (New Year?).
Now I know what you are thinking – who the hell is NWYR. Well from Ultra's not very subtle hint, and the easy to notice the two W's in the new logo. I think it is safe to say that this is in fact W&W returning to Trance. Most people are super happy about this possibility but some pure trance artist's have thrown some low key shade. Like Artic Moon who tweeted this out earlier today:
Oh look, every DJ that left trance is suddenly starting a new trance side project now. The thirst to be included in trance line ups is real.
— Arctic Moon (@ArcticMoonMusic) February 10, 2017
He was quick to mention that he wished his music got as much attention as the shade he threw but his message is clear, it is a bit disrespectful to jump on the bandwagon after abandoning it. As a Philadelphia Eagles fan I know the feeling all to well for the first 4 games of every NFL season until they start to suck again. We hope W&W will bring it and show all the doubters that they are ready to return to their former trance glory.