Let's take a trip back to 2010, when Obama was president, EDM was on the rise in the public eye, and you had just met your first wook in the Denny's parking lot after a Bassnectar show. Dubstep and similar genres were in their grimy prime, and Rusko's “Woo Boost” had just released under Mad Decent. Fast forward to 2017, where the original is now a simple and dirty staple in the dubstep community.
Denver, CO based Dirt Monkey is no stranger to the scene either, and his remix of Woo Boost is a well-timed update to the original. He flawlessly incorporates all of the sounds and frequencies of the original track (including Mario's woo!) and makes the track more dense, weird, and infectious, with twice the amount of gritty bass.
Take a listen below, and see if it stands up to the original. And if dubstep isn't your thing, take a look at Dirt Monkeys other tracks, he's a talented producer that nails a multitude of genres, including D&B, trap, and shuffle!